Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Normal Morning

Posted by Picasa This morning I watered our plants and fed our little heretics (goldfish named Arius and Pelagius). I'm under the impression that pelagius is actually a female fish and Arius has taken a liking to her. Otherwise their just pals, but I'm not sure what's going on with those two. Our little pepper is coming along, The pepper is turning red and growing, I wonder how long it'll be before we can pluck it an throw it on a frying pan with breakfast in an omlet. It's neat to have a pepper plant, I've never grown one before. On the negative side our Dwarf Schefellera seems to be wilting in the lower leaves. I was noticing that there were previous stems that had broken off that were below that so I'm not sure if it's a normal thing or not with a Schefellera. Well aside from my domestic adventures with the loca greenery the library was busy today. Everyone is either returning their books, paying there fines, or taking a ton of books out last minute for papers due this friday. I on the other hand have a five pager, a four pager, and to edit a two page item and that's it for me this week. I'm not very stressed for the amount of homework that I have but I have resevations about next semester.
I want to take the topics in philosophy class on CS Lewis, but I don't want to spend the money on all the books that Prof. X wants us to buy. I think since he's new here he doesn't realize that the majority of students can't afford to buy 8 books. The class is going to cost around 600 and on top of that it'll be like another massive amount for books. I do need an AS, but I'd rather take a philosophy then be bored with an intro level survey class like Psych to fill in. I'm in my fourth year so I feel like a 100 level class wouldn't be the most exciting. I want to get into this Issues in Contemporary Theology class, but I've been waitlisted since August and no one has decided to drop it yet. There's not enough 400 level theology and Bible being offered. I think if your a fourth year student you ought to have priority over Jrs. to get into those classes. For some reason Prairie doesn't work it that way though so I'm in my fourth year but I can't get into my required courses. Well, wait and see I guess.
~Christopher J.