Thursday, January 11, 2007

Well, we finally made it back from western Kansas. We had to make a stop in Arizona for one night because we missed our connection in Phoenix International. We were welcomed by one of those true Canadian Blizzards yesterday. Today it is a whopping minus 23 degrees Celsius. It was freezing this morning. To think that we were just in phoenix is incredible. I nearly had to take a bus up to Calgary from Phoenix. I should mention that Phoenix is only two hours away from Mexico. Passports became mandatory for people traveling from the USA to Canada out of Phoenix intl. on the seventh and we ended up flying out of Phoenix on the 6th. The airline put up 100 dollars towards a cheap hotel. I do not recommend flying with American West because they should have paid for the whole thing. The people at Phoenix intl. were less then helpful when it comes to distressed passengers, with the exception of the people at the information both. But overall it was a fun trip by far and completely worth all the stress of making it back in time. The computer was just fixed under an hour ago, so now I am blogging again. Recently, for whatever reason, the computer would not get passed the bios screen. well, now that it's working again I need to finish writing for my TH 390 class, which should have been done last semester. Fortunately, since I have a very graceful prof, who has decided not to fail me, I have an extension until the end of this month. Well, I have decided to apply to Nazarene Theological Seminary. Fortunately between the loan and what we'll make this summer and with the help of the school with a scholarship and student aid to help with our broken pick-up we'll be able to afford to make the move and go to the school. We only now just have to worry about me getting accepted to the Seminary. I'm pretty excited. Natalie has a job for this summer here at the library on Campus, I just need to find a job for this summer too. I have all my syllaby now so I guess I better get started on this summer before we can really plan on anything.
~Christopher J.
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