Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday sickness, and theological small talk with big words

I'm under the impression that the key to having a cool blog is lots of random photo's that really bear no actual meaning but make your site look cool. And since I just drank that amazing cup of coffee that I just made I thought why not throw a picture of it on the site, (of course I had the thought before I drank it).
So Natalie is sick right now. It's a new experience for me, I've never had to care for a sick woman before, but I hope she feels better soon because I really have no clue what I'm doing. But don't jump to any conclusions because she's not sick of me if that's what your thinking :P
Well today I met with my faculty advisor for the first time. It was pretty neat just to talk about the subject for my paper, which is the theology and praxis of millenial views. I really enjoy the one on one teaching/learning experience., to me it's a much more intentional and personal way of learning and so I look forward to doing it more often. I'm afraid that the subject of my paper really won't go too much farther beyond what we've already discussed however, but we'll have to wait and see how much further on I read. Do you think it would be inappropriate to have Kenny Chesney in my eschatology power point presentation? I think it would be kind of fun to have him there because he wrote this song 'How forever feels' and I couldn't resist, so right now I'm just gathering prelimminary info for my paper next semester and presentation stuff... blah blah blah, but I thought it could be kind of fun.
Well someone commented today on my attempt to grow a gotee saying that I look much older, well I don't know if that's true or not, but I probably should look older because I only look 19 with my normal clean shaven look. And I totally look older and married I think... Well I'm sure someone is laughing at me as they read this so I'm going to end this post here.
~Christopher J. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

*Lisa said...

I'm definitely laughing at you, Chris. j/k

I think you should totally country-ify your the very least, it'll make sure your listeners are awake:-)