Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reading from Kierkegaard

Old age is the final change... Is that all of the story? Has all been heard that may be said about being a man, and mans temporal life? ...Yes, when late autumn comes, even the flower can speak the wisdom of the years and say with truthfulness, "All has its time, there is 'a time to be born and a time to die'; there is a time to jest lightheartedly in the spring breeze, and a time to break under the autumn storm; there is a time to burst forth into blossom, beside the running water, beloved by the stream and a time to whither and be forgotten." ..."Is there, then, nothing more to tell?" then it will answer you, "no, when the flower is dead, the story is over." ..."God made all things beautiful in his time; also he hath set eternity within man's heart" (Ecc 3:11) ...The wisdom of the years is confusing. Only the wisdom of eternity is edifying. P 35, 36

Soren Kierkegaard. trans. Douglas V. Steere. Purity of Heart. New York: Harper and Row. 1948

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