Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Sermon and Skating

Today we went to church and then we had some friends over after that. After they left we went skating and I almost took out a few kids, but it was ok because I didn't hit anyone, or knock over anyone, it was a good time. I always liked skating. I like to think that skating was how Natalie and I first got to know each other.
I can't quite remember the sermon today, but it had something to do with ministering to the kids in three hills. I heard something though that really frustrated me. This guy says, 'it's not a theological... it's practical,' it really annoys me when people think that theology and doctrine are impractical. It's really the most retarded thing. It's like saying that government is impractical, or that we should have anarchy opposed to rules or regulation. Why people even call themselves Christian, but call doctrine something of the past, or a modernist ideal that is irrelavant in a post-modern culture.
Anyway, this is my eye, cool huh? Natalie helped me take it.
~Christopher J. Posted by Picasa

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