Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tainted Water Scandal

Today my fish died in a tragic water changing/tank cleaning. I went to clean their tank because it was in desperate need of a cleaning and after I had finished I noticed that our smallest fish wasn't doing so well and began to swim sideways. Well eventually the smallest one died in the next couple minutes and then a little while after that our largest fish had begun to do the same thing, (swim sideways). Well I didn't have any time to mess around with them because I had to go to work, by the time I got back home again, the two remaining fish had died. I'm a little annoyed because I'm certian it's the water in our apartments and a little sad too because I hate it when anything dies because I did something wrong, I should have just left it. Davidson Apartment's water has been kind of strange lately, Walter's water was a little yellow earlier and I think something happened recently that we haven't really been told about to change our water. Anyways, unfortunately it killed our fish and now Arius, Pelagius, and "tink-tink" (named after tinkerbell because we got it at the Jr/Sr Banquet) are all gone. Unfortunately my parents will never get to see my fish, they're coming this friday. It will be neat to see them again, I haven't seen them since Natalie and I were just married which was almost nine months ago; I'm excited for them to meet my teachers. Well, back to school work I guess... I think I will get turtles next :o
~Christopher J.

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